
Showing posts from December, 2012

What Has Dating Become?

This looks just plain sad I remember when going out on a date was about discovering the other person. Through talking....remember that? I saw this picture float by the other day and it's true. I see this scene played out everywhere. Each is more interested in posting their 'out on a date' status update than actually updating themselves with who the other person is. Freaking sad if you ask me. What's your thoughts on dating and smartphones ?  

Are You Awakened?

True People are scared of others that have found their inner awakened self. Which one are you?  

Give a Shit because it's worth the effort

When it's all said and done, relationships are freaking tough going. You first get into one through a mutual attraction which is usually a visual one. For men, this is 99% true, for women, there are a few other consequential factors that form a foundation of stability. But at the end of the day, it's very much a personal choice rather than a mutual one. I mean, you get into a relationship from a purely selfish point of view. Guys might be sexual. Women might be security and/or protection and/or stability to raise kids. BUT when you're in a relationship , it can all fall terribly apart unless both people care enough for the other for the situation to be totally shithouse but still care enough to continue and move forward. Move forward to get things fixed because their love is mutual and their love is solid. Thoughts?  

Autocorrect gone crazy

Hahaha autocorrect out of control for a new iPhone Dad.  

Is Love Really Worth the Effort?

As a relationship counsellor, I often get asked whether the effort people are putting into their failing relationship is worth it. Without question, the answer I give is always a resounding YES! it is. We're human beings and that means we're also made to live with another. It allows us to get a balanced view on our perspectives and the views we have on the world. In a recent article I wrote on a male's viewpoint on women , a single guy usually has an unbalanced view, typically as men are casting their eyes around to see if they can do better. Better than what they've already got. Unfortunately, what they have is usually always the better option. What do you think?