
Showing posts from June, 2013

Ways to Let Your Sweetheart Rekindle the Romance

Don’t Lose that Loving Feeling It can be pretty simple to rekindle the romance Beware: Same old boring routine can actually be hazardous to your relationship! Couples who have been going out for over a year can find this to be all too familiar. While getting comfortable and familiar with each other is a good thing, it’s sometimes inevitable that this also becomes a reason for faded romance. If you feel like you are in such relationship, take the initiative to turn things around through these gestures that will eventually have your sweetie acting a little more romantic . Play Your Songs Every couple has at least one song that reminds them of each other. It could be the song played in the coffee shop where they almost had their fraps mixed up or that loud track in the car when they first went on a real date. Hearing songs that make you reminisce on simple and grand moments you shared together could have you longing for those days. Playfully sing these songs in the shower while your swee

When Is It Time To Divorce?

Knowing When It’s Time One of the hardest things about marriage is knowing when to leave. For some, the answer is and will always be, “Never, no matter what, no matter how unhappy we are or how unsalvageable the relationship. We’re married, and that means forever.” For others, personal happiness is important, and an entire life spent in a miserable marriage doesn’t translate into time well spent. People divorce for any number of reasons: an affair abuse they married before they really knew each other they were never truly in love there was a “trap” involved someone changed after marriage the relationship wasn’t solid enough to make it through the stress of kids, career changes, new and different goals, moves someone expected someone else to change after marriage, etc. Main Reasons For Divorce All of the above break down into two pretty standard reasons for divorce : Someone has been hurt beyond repair The relationship was missing something that doomed it from the start, and divorce (

Should You Date a Single Dad?

The Single Dad Question Could you date this? You meet a cute and smart guy online. He invited you out for a dinner date and you feel that he meets every criterion on your boyfriend material list, except for one thing: He is a dad . If you are not into dating single daddies, then that is a total bummer. It is like the universe just poured cold water on your face for you to wake up from a bad fantasy. Dating a single dad has its own set of complications . For one, you do not want to get stuck babysitting your future boyfriend’s kids instead of spending some sexy time with him. Well, if you are the type of girl who snacks on children while they dream, then dating a dad is not for you. Another complication is that you might feel that you are being pressured to become a part of his family especially when he introduces you to his kids. Before you ditch your latest date just because he is a father like Darth Vader, there are things you need to consider first before not giving him that chance

Online Dating Mistakes Seniors Need To Avoid

Be Older AND Wiser The great thing about online dating is that it caters for all ages. You have the ability to meet that special someone, no matter where you are in life. While everyone can use dating websites, seniors who aren’t used to using the internet for romance may need to bear a few things in mind. Here are some online dating mistakes to avoid when looking for love online. Be All Smiles and Don’t Make Dating Mistakes Being Dishonest It might be tempting to put forward a version of yourself which isn’t entirely truthful when writing your profile . It’s sure to backfire in the end. If you’re not being honest, you’ll have less chance of meeting someone who is really right for you, and you’ll struggle to connect when you go on dates. Put forward the best version of yourself. But don’t tell fibs! Using Inadequate Pictures A good picture can be the difference between someone noticing you or not. Looks aren’t everything, of course, but if you’re covered up with a hat or sunglasses,

Reuniting With Past Loves? Top 5 Steps to Follow

Get Back With an Ex? Want to get back with an ex lover? Reuniting with a lost love can seem more comfortable than meeting someone else for the first time. Unlike new relationships, old issues may get in the way though. Was the breakup caused by: cheating distance parental disapproval Depending on the circumstances of your breakup , reuniting with a past love could be an exciting or nerve-wracking experience. How do you make a connection? What do you talk about? To make the relationship work the second time around, follow these steps. 1. Search Years ago, finding someone from your past was a daunting experience. You had to track your ex’s activities from common friends, visit your hometown, or attend high school reunions just to get an idea on where he or she is. Nowadays, finding past loves is much easier. Thanks to social networking sites , getting back with an ex is becoming more and more common. If Facebook hasn’t helped you yet, you can visit MyLife’s zip code directory to locate

Webinar Express - Goodbye to GoToWebinar Forever!

Webinar Express – Goodbye to GoToWebinar Forever! Every once in a while, a product comes along that literally changes the course of an entire marketplace. Google did it with Online Advertising Apple did it with the iPhone Well, for far too long, Online Webinars have been expensive and very clunky to use. I tried working with GoToWebinar 12 months ago and it was a nightmare to use and equally so to record and store for later use. I gave up in utter frustration. GoToWebinar and their fellow online webinar businesses are about to go out of business, seriously. Webinar Express is a WordPress plugin that has only just entered the market and it is mindblowing. Let me repeat that, Webinar Express is mindblowing! How, I hear you ask? Simplicity Like Nothing Before It You know me and I love things easy, quick and comphrensive and feature rich. It takes a bit to make me say WOW but I did when it took me no more than 5 minutes to setup a complete Webinar that incorporates Social Marketing as wel

Father’s Day Gifts Dads Will Love

One Size Isn’t Gonna Fit All Not all Dads are the same Unfortunately, no Father’s Day gift is going to please every father out there. Sorry, all. The good news is that I’ve met a large number of very different fathers , and I’ve figured out what works for each of them. Layabout Dads My dad is a layabout dad. There’s no other (polite) way to say it. When he got home from work, he was done working for the day. Period. If that reminds you of your dad, try one of these gifts of the sort I’ve gotten my own dad: 1. The Grillbot . My dad loves to grill and hates to clean said grill. The Grillbot does the cleaning for him and lets him know when it’s done. 2. Mini-fridge . “There should always be beer in the mini-fridge,” might be my dad’s favorite proverb, or the motto to his (and, I guess, my) family crest. 3. Neck-massaging pillow . When I come to visit, it seems he’s always getting a massage in the recliner. Upper-crust Dads My wife’s dad is very different from mine. He’s not technically “u

Small Gestures Can Reap Big Rewards

Give Small, Get Big Small gestures speak volumes Building relationships isn’t just about finding common beliefs or shared interests. Sometimes it’s a nice gesture that can provide the opportunity to build an acquaintance into a friend. The same kind overture can also be the icebreaker that restores a damaged relationship . When summer approaches, we start receiving lots of invitations to graduations.  While many of us view these missives as clutter on our social calendars, they also provide the open door needed to build or restore a relationship. After all, graduates don’t send invitations to people they don’t like or don’t know, so if you’re the recipient of a lovely calligraphic masterpiece, consider some ways to acknowledge the event without necessarily showing up in person. So don’t pass up the opportunity to build on these moments .  That invitation wasn’t sent out of a sense of obligation or a desire for gifts.  In many cases, it’s an olive branch–or a carefully scripted wink fr

Dating Coach – What They Do To Fulfil Your Dating Dream

What! A Dating Coach? Sometimes you need more than the book :) In today’s hectic world, people often find it difficult to dedicate enough time for their personal and social life. The concept of work-life balance is more of a myth these days, and it can be ages since you have a good date. Consider This If you are unable to find a date despite a successful career and decent looks , you may want to hire a dating coach . The modern date coach can offer the elusive work-life balance that people crave for by helping them develop a better social life and fulfill their dating dreams. More Common Than You Might Think It is common to find people resist getting a dating coach. After all, the perceived notion is that your social life comes together on its own without any effort or help from anyone. If you look at the people who have the busiest and best social lives, like celebrities and sports stars, you will find that they have help too. Their publicists help in creating and maintaining their so

Date Night Style: Easy Tips for Looking Great

Date Night Tips – Get Some! Congratulations: You made it through another stressful week. Now it’s time for date night ! Whether single and ready to mingle, or married with a couple of kids at home, one thing all women have in common is the desire to look great on an evening out. Moms, hire a babysitter; single ladies, stop texting your girlfriends: It’s time to get ready for your date! The Outfit Your ensemble is the thing on which you’ll base all subsequent decisions regarding your look for the evening, so choose wisely! Consider the venue; if you’re going out for a swanky dinner, wear a fancy cocktail dress in black or – if you’re feeling more adventurous – a jewel tone like sapphire blue or emerald green. If you’re spending the evening cheering on your favorite team at the local sports bar, a more casual outfit would be best. But don’t overdo the casual thing – leave the oversized sports jersey and baseball cap at home and instead wear a fitted top, jeans and flats. The Accessorie

The Spaces In Between

The Moments in Life Do you think on those little moments? There are big, giant moments in the life of a relationship . Awkward first kisses, saber-rattling fights, babies born and anniversaries celebrated. You know, the kind of events that deserve epic movie scores or their own scrapbooks. Successful relationships deserve these moments, times in life when we surface from the everyday to celebrate the connections between us with a big high five and maybe cake. However, most of the success of a longterm relationship depends on the places on the timeline spent between these events. The quiet pockets of existing together do more to build the fibers that keep relationships a strong than we expect, keeping quiet mindfulness of the everyday miracle of companionship makes being together all the more pleasurable. My Story My husband and I have been married nearly eight years, and have been each others partner much longer than that. We have seen other relationships burn hot and fizzle, or go l