
Showing posts from May, 2013

Why Good Guys Finish First and Usually Suck As Backstabbers

My Good Guy Story – Is It The Right One? It’s a funny thing …. life. Funny in a cruel way. And funny in a rewarding way, if you allow yourself to look past and through life’s bullshit to the real reward. The saying that ‘Good Guys Finish Last’ is very often true, in a business environment . I should know as I was one of those ladder-climbers who saw an opportunity and took it – despite the repercussions to others. I was only interested in myself and what I could get for myself. What a dick, I was. And the funny thing is, the majority of people that I know right now are exactly the same – greedy arseholes who, in reality, treat you like shit under their shoe. So Be An Arsehole Then? I’d probably still be a dick-wad, if my mind hadn’t been awoken to the real truth as to life’s purpose. It’s not what you get but what you give . Is being a good guy really worth the change? Sounds corny but I changed my outlook on life. And as it turns out, my first wife was unable to cope with the change.

7 Most Romantic Destinations in Asia

Asia – Now That’s Some Romance! OMG – I wanna go there! Every corner of Asia is steeped in history, culture and exoticism – what could be more romantic than exploring this vast and mysterious continent? Here are our top picks of the spots to share with the one you love. Bali, Indonesia A classic honeymoon destination . The word ‘paradise’ is used a lot to describe Bali – and with its rugged coastlines, grandiose mountains and sandy beaches, it certainly looks the part. What’s more, the locals are friendly, the culture is highly spiritual and despite its popularity with honeymooners and backpackers alike, the beaches remain unspoiled and uncrowded. Hoi An, Vietnam Oozing with charm and charisma, the river town of Hoi An is a melting pot of culture, history and romance. Filled with dreamy architecture, the Ancient Town is a UNESCO World Heritage site and is entirely closed to cars. The winding streets are filled with charming Chinese-influenced shops and bustling food markets and, as nig

Reasons Why Women have Affairs with Married Men

Women Are Just As Bad Extramarital affairs are nothing new; they have been happening for centuries and are still quite common. We still have no concrete reasons as to why women have affairs with married men. Extramarital affairs can be complex and confusing for both the man and woman, who struggle with the motives for their actions themselves. Many women seem to agree that their desire to pursue an affair with a married man is usually for the following reasons: Fewer Strings Attached Many women who date married men are very serious about their relationship and commit themselves fully to it. There is no denying that women are attracted by extra-marital relationships because there are fewer demands being made. Married men have fewer demands than a live-in partner or boyfriend would have because they need to be discrete about the relationship. Women attracted to these affairs believe that they can enjoy all the benefits of a relationship without the commitment. This is a driving force fo

Good 2nd Date Conversation Topics to Keep Them Interested

Tongue Tied? Don’t end up like this on your date So, your first date was spectacular and now you are thinking about what you are going to do and say on your second date. Many people are very practiced and entertaining on a first date, but struggle on the second ones. You might even want to lower the expectations that you formed because of the success of the first date. The main goal of the conversation on your 2nd date should be to keep it going and keep it interesting. What you want to avoid are those awkward silences. Some Reflection You may want to revisit some of what was said on the first date. Perhaps they told you about a situation that they were dealing with or something they were planning. Talking about how it unfolded shows that you care and that you were paying attention. More Of The Same Many of the best conversation topics for a 2nd date are the same as those for a first date. However now that you know them a little better, you can peel back a layer and get somewhat more

Health Routines that Can Improve Your Relationship With Your Spouse

Is this what they meant by trying a new position? There’€™s an expression that says, the couple that works out together , stays together. Fitness and healthy living bonds two people over mutual values of self-respect. We have to stay healthy so we can perform our responsibility not just as parents but as partners to our wife or husband too. Most relationships tend to fail because we tend to miss the little issues that help renew the love and commitment needed to make the relationship stronger. When a couple gets married, their lives suddenly blend in all aspects of their life. From sharing chores and bank accounts to buying a home and raising a family, couples must support each other in order to have a happy life. When you make a vow to be healthy together , your relationship improves. You find new ways to support and show your love for one another, and you bond over new experiences and habits that will help you both live better lives. Here are some of the health routines you can adopt

Life Over 50: Keeping The Romance Alive

Grow old together, in love and passion Life Over 50: Keeping The Romance Alive When you’ve been married for a long time there are lots of things which will form part of your daily lives together. Household chores Money issues Worrying about the kids (even if they’ve left home!) Those are just some of the things which can take over and leave you feeling that you’ve lost the spark which brought you together in the first place. Romance is important for any relationship, whether you’ve just got together or you’re celebrating your 25th wedding anniversary. Here are some tips for how to keep things interesting in your marriage. Romance isn’t just reserved for the youth, you know Communicate Make sure you make time to talk to each other every day so that you know what’s going on in each other’s lives. Too many couples think they are communicating when they’ve got one eye on their laptops or phones. Try and switch off all other distractions and have a focused conversation. It’ll help you feel

Life Over 50: Keeping The Romance Alive

Grow old together, in love and passion Life Over 50: Keeping The Romance Alive When you’ve been married for a long time there are lots of things which will form part of your daily lives together. Household chores Money issues Worrying about the kids (even if they’ve left home!) Those are just some of the things which can take over and leave you feeling that you’ve lost the spark which brought you together in the first place. Romance is important for any relationship, whether you’ve just got together or you’re celebrating your 25th wedding anniversary. Here are some tips for how to keep things interesting in your marriage. Romance isn’t just reserved for the youth, you know Communicate Make sure you make time to talk to each other every day so that you know what’s going on in each other’s lives. Too many couples think they are communicating when they’ve got one eye on their laptops or phones. Try and switch off all other distractions and have a focused conversation. It’ll help you feel

WP Engine - Hosting Isn’t Hosting If You Run Wordpress

You Know Speed = More Sales, Right? Lightning speed online means revenue boosts When it comes to making sales, performance in your website is of paramount importance. Speed and reliability means people have initial confidence in your front line entity and continue to look further at what you offer. So, the hosting platform you choose is critical for your online business. Back Story Most of you know I was the VP of Customer Technical Support many years ago, for WebCentral. To be honest, WebCentral saw explosive growth for being in the right place at the right time – the beginning of businesses getting onto the Internet and needing hosting space. A lot of water has past under the bridge since I left back in 2005 and WebCentral has a reasonably tarnished name these days too. Why? Typical reasoning being their focus is their bottom line – classic business screw up. But I digress. I wanted to tell you about an emerging hosting company that is concentrating it’s efforts on just WordPress pow

Employers Shoot Themselves In The Foot By Recruiters

Employers Shoot Themselves In The Foot By Recruiters If there’s any knowledge in this world that’s worth knowing, it usually comes from experience. Real experience is borne from maturity. Real experience is a culmination of seeing interconnecting threads of disparate information that make up a solution. This powerful skill isn’t available from graduates. Unfortunately, they simply are ‘qualified’ from a tertiary institution that’s typically many years behind the times, and especially so when it comes to the digital age. Employers Doing the Sidestep Shuffle The bottom line is both the employer and the recruitment firm are both trying desperately to gain an edge for a better bottom line. The employer engages the recruiter with a set of hastily written employment criteria to fill an organisational gap. They do this to sidestep the bottom line impact of dedicated HR personnel to do the real hiring process. As it turns out, this very process also sidesteps responsibility in hiring the wrong

What Can You Tell About a Person from Their Appearance?

Do you remember Susan Boyle and her first appearance? The Book and The Cover Can you judge a book by its cover? For some people looks are the most important issue when making a connection with a potential partner . For others, they look towards signals such as sense of humor and sensitivity to judge whether a person has potential. I’ll discuss what your appearance says about you and how you can use this to your advantage. So What’s It Say? What does your appearance say about you? Whether we want to accept it or not, we live in a society in which image is everything. The way we present ourselves, from the clothes that we wear to our hairstyle and even how we smell, are all major players in how someone will perceive you on first meeting. Visual signals can give away people’s personality traits, and, if we’re completely honest with ourselves, we’ve all been guilty as charged at some point or other of reinforcing the old adage ‘€˜to judge a book by its cover’€™ on a more than frequent bas

Why Should He Be The One To Propose - Is It Right?

Should he or doesn’t it matter? Come on, Does It Really Matter? It is a very valid question. We guess it all boils down to how much of a traditionalist you are. If you haven’€™t yet entered into the 21st Century in your mind, then you may now be sitting there with your mouth wide open; completely aghast at such a suggestion. In these modern times it is becoming all the more common for the lady to propose . Tradition! In many countries around the world there is a tradition that a woman can propose to a man on a day that only occurs once every four years; February 29th. The whole story behind it is incredibly dated, as are the consequences. Thought to come from a deal that was struck between St. Bridget and St. Patrick (and lest we forget that these people were alive some two and a half thousand years ago), if a lady was refused marriage upon asking, the gentleman would then have to shower her with gifts to somehow hide the woman’€™s embarrassment. He might as well have said yes! We apo

Did She Really Mean What She Said?

I’m so freaking confused! What’s she mean when she talks? Huh? – Said Every Man Since The Dawn Of Time It’s not any kind of secret language , but still men have difficulty in understanding those simple words that women say. Well, it’s not actually words with secret meanings, but simple words and basic things. Since decades, men have remained wondering about women, their ways, their behavior and especially their words. Some men even think women to be mysterious creatures just because they didn’t know what women’s words meant. And now, to set the record straight, women have a few words for men. Of course, with explanations! Fine… The word every women uses to end an argument is ‘Fine.’ Just as you got the word ‘Fine’ out of her mouth, don’t think you won. She knows that she is right, but said it, to shut you up, as she realized that you will not abide by or acknowledge her superior judgment. So, wait for Round Two. At times when she is really satisfied with your argument, she just says t

Two Words with the Power to Change Your Life -- What If?

Juliet’s What If Journey of Discovery The ‘What If’ Journey In this digital age, love letters, particularly the handwritten ones, have become a rarity. The fact that they are rare makes you want to treasure them more, if you’re lucky enough to receive one. Letters I believe are also more personal because they are handwritten. You can almost imagine the emotions that come with every loop in each consonant or vowel. Shaky handwriting could be a sign of nervousness as emotions are transformed into words – words that someone never had the courage to voice out. And so he or she had a little help from the power of the pen. Letter writing brings back the romance of words, a powerful tool that men once used – and sometimes still do – to woo their lady loves. I’m Reminded By … It also makes me think of the 2010 movie, Letters to Juliet and the pivotal letter that drove Claire to find her first and true love , Lorenzo: Dear Claire, “What” and “If” are two words as non-threatening as words can

Hiking: A Shared Activity To Enhance Your Relationship

Don’t Try This At Home! Most relationship gurus will give couples the advice that each person should have time to pursue individual hobbies and interests. I completely agree with the importance of this, and I want to build on that popular mantra by saying that in addition to separate activities, a couple should also make sure they have shared activities that they can regularly pursue together. One of the greatest examples of this is hiking. Now that is spectacular – exercise and hiking with your babe. Get some! My partner and I didn’€™t have a lot in common when we started dating . We are from completely different parts of the world (literally), we grew up leading very dissimilar lifestyles, and we had extremely different tastes and interests. Pursuing individual pastimes was not difficult for us – it was actually more of a challenge to find activities we could enjoy together! And Then Hiking Saw The Light of Day One day my partner suggested the idea of us going hiking together. I had